Welcome to the 3rd Retro Re-pin Party! If you’re anything like me, you’re probably in love with Pinterest! I think I could spend all day browsing for ideas, recipes, and learning new ways to clean my house pretend I’m going to deep clean everything I own.
These days about 1/3 of my traffic comes from Pinterest, so it’s certainly a great place to share your blog posts. Last week we had 45 link-ups and I made several new Pinterest friends. I’m looking forward to meeting even more of you this week as we make old pins “new” again!
We got a new look! What do you think?
This party is all about bringing those older pins back into the lime light and making them new again! For this we need your help – remember to re-pin!
I’ve decided to join the party permanently along with Felicia from Nifty Thrifty Family, so that means each pin will have 7 times the exposure. Not to mention the number of other party-goers who re-pin.
Please consider following your hostesses!
Kristina and Millie @ 2 Crochet Hooks: Blog/Pinterest
Dee @ Meatloaf and Melodrama: Blog/Pinterest
Stephanie @ Sustaining the Powers: Blog/Pinterest
Joy @ xoxo Grandma: Blog/Pinterest
Becka @ Probably Crafting: Blog/Pinterest
Felicia @ Nifty Thrifty Family: Blog/Pinterest
Leslie @ Crafty Side of Sarcasm: Blog/Pinterest
*~* Are you all ready to party?!? ~
This is a Retro Re-pin Party so works a bit different than the usual link party. Please do NOT link up your blog main page, a blog post or your pin boards – link up one of your Pinterest pins and PLEASE – Family Friendly posts only!! If the link is not to a previously pinned post, it may not be pinned.
Example: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/555139091540348954/
Very simple rules for this party:
1. Add up to 2 pin links to your pinned posts – the older the better!
2. Repin at least 2 other pins because that’s why we are here!
3. Link back to us if you would, it’s the nice thing to do!
4. Come back next week and repeat!
5. Spread the word, the more the merrier!
Note: By linking up to this party, you give the hostesses permission to share your posts via social media with links back to the original source. If you have entered an email address into the link up too, an email will be sent when the party goes live. Your email will not be used in any other way.
Take a button!

Follow TwoCrochet Hooks’s board Retro Repin Party on Pinterest.
Hi Steph
Thanks for co hosting – I’ll pop back tomorrow to see what everyone has pinned.
Thanks for stopping by! I’m seeing some great stuff so far and it’s only 9am! Tomorrow should be a treasure trove. 🙂
Thank you for the great party! I love Pinterest! Lots of oldies but goodies here 🙂
Thanks for partying with us! I’m loving seeing all the archives come out of storage. Everyone has such great stuff to share.