This week’s meal plan and a peek inside my journaling Bible!
This photo was taken from a friend’s backyard. Such a gorgeous sunset!
Happy Friday!! Has anyone else’s week just flown by? I love working short weeks because Friday takes you by surprise instead of us longing for it to just be here already. In addition to Wednesday’s Simple Hospitality series, I’m starting another new series this year to replace my former Meal Plan Monday series. With the new year, I decided to mix things up a bit and share meal plans on Fridays since I typically shop over the weekend and prep things on Sunday nights. I also wanted to be able to share a bit more about some of the other things I’m passionate about and that “sustain” my Hubby and me. This week that’s my favorite art hobby – Bible Journaling!
This Week’s Meal Plan
Monday: My Roasted Beet Salad (gf, df, veg.)
Tuesday: Sweet Potato and Leek Soup from I Say Nomato (gf, veg.)
Wednesday: My Slow Cooker Rosemary Mushroom Pot Roast (gf, df)
Thursday: Healthy Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce from The Healthy Family and Home (gf, df, vegan) over pasta and veggies
Friday: Pizza Night! Build your own pizza with my Perfect Pizza Dough (veg. vegan, df)
Saturday: Date Night – eat out.
Sunday: Y.O.Y.O – You’re on your own.
Bible Journaling: Waiting For The Lord
I’ve long been a crafter and “scrapbooked” Bible verses to help memorize them, but in the past year I’ve fallen in love with the art of mixed media Bible Journaling (sometimes also called illustrated faith or illuminated faith.) What is it you ask? It’s a form of art worship that is usually done in a Journaling Bible (a special Bible with wide margins that you can create in) or a separate art journal. Everyone’s Bible journaling takes on a different style depending on the artist. Some people love tons of color (like me!) Other people write words in the margins with a pencil and prefer not to write over the top of any Bible text. As with anything faith-related, there are a number of different convictions and personal preferences, and those of us who do add color and a bit of art over the text do typically have separate Bibles for studying and art journaling so we can still read the words elsewhere.
Without further ado, I wanted to share a recent bit of my art worship with you. This page is one of my recent favorites and it was inspired by a Periscope tutorial a friend of mine shared.
Psalm 130 has spoken to my heart through so many different trials and tough things over the past 11 years that I’ve walked with Christ, and what I love most about it is how the author of the Psalm talks about his soul waiting on the Lord and hoping in His Word. Psalm 130:6 (ESV) says “My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, indeed more than the watchmen for the morning.” Imagine being on night watch and how exhausted and weary you become as the darkness goes on and on, how much you long for the sun to come up so you can be free of the darkness and the burdens of keeping watch. That’s how God wants our souls to wait, hope, and trust in Him. And just as the sun never fails to rise in the morning and break through the darkness, the Son will not fail to come break through the darkness in our lives. How is your soul waiting for Him this week? Are you longing and trusting like the watchmen for the morning?
Page inspired by @arden_elise
|Supplies Used: Bible – Crossway Books 2-Column Journaling Bible | Watercolor – neocolor ii water-soluble wax pastels | Stamps are from Studio L2E – Hexagons | WuWu Alpha (These are not affiliate links, they’re just here for your reference.)|
Want to see more of my art worship? Connect with me over on my Bible Journaling Instagram account: @powersfulfaith
Want to learn more about Bible Journaling? Check out the Illustrated Faith blog, join the Journaling Bible Community Facebook page, or browse the hashtag #illustratedfaith or #biblejournaling over on Instagram.
I have to say, the concept of art worship is new to me. It’s beautiful!
Thank you Abby! If you look backwards in time, you’ll see that the works of most of the great renaissance artists were inspired by their faith and Biblical themes, so I can’t claim to be doing a “new” thing, but its current form and popularity is definitely a revival of sorts among the creatives. (Or people who want to learn how to be “creatives.”) It’s such an amazing time spend meditating on the words I’m painting or writing!
I made a similar cauliflower alfredo sauce a few weeks ago and it was so good! I put it over gluten free pasta and it tasted almost just like “real” alfredo sauce.
You may have made the same one! I think I bookmarked it to try from your healthy recipes round up.
Meal planning is the best! The weeks I don’t meal plan always feel more hectic and chaotic. Your art is beautiful! I love the colors, but I am hesitant to do it for myself. Maybe soon I’ll give it a try…
I’ve been meal planning on my blog here for over a year now, but haven’t always actually stuck with the meal plans. I’m happy to be mixing things up to plan even more ahead of time and I hope it will help.
And you should give it a try! Even if it’s in a notebook or a piece of paper, art is an amazing therapy.
This page in your bible is so bright and happy, what a great way to worship through art! Thanks for sharing this Steph and thanks for explaining the bible passage. 💗💗💗
Thanks Susan! I’m really in love with the bright colors lately. I may not know my “style” yet, but I think bright colors is a piece of it.
I have been wanting to purchase a journaling bible for a while now. I love the idea of “doodling” as I study!
I love mine so much!! I spend time in it almost every day and it’s probably one of my most dearest possessions. I asked for mine as a gift from my hubby a few years ago. Maybe you should drop some hints to family?
I absolutely ADORE how bright your Bible journal’s page is. What a fun way to worship!
Thank you Erin!! I’m all about the bright colors! And anything creative is definitely my jam – singing, dancing, and art are my favorite things to do during a devotional time.
I just saw scripture journaling for the first time about a week ago on pinterest and I fell in love with how it looked! I love what you did here and I am so impressed with your meal planning- so healthy and I bet your family loves it!
It’s so much fun!! Anyone can do it, and all you really need is a pencil and a notebook, though colors are definitely my favorite. Hubby and I are trying to eat more veggies this year, so that was a priority for this meal plan. We will see how long that lasts, but I definitely feel better when I get in a salad every now and then.
Wow your bible journali s BEAUTIFUL! What a great way to connect with the bible. I’m not sure I’m that creative but I would love to give it a try!
Thank you Lauren!! I promise this page looks way more complicated than it actually is. It’s mostly just a quick drawing of the sun and then some blended watercolor and stamps. I think you would love it! Give it a shot in a notebook.