Today my Hubby takes over the blog for the Guys Behind the Blog Link Up and I’ve got another edition of Meal Plan Monday for you!
Welcome to another edition of The Guys Behind The Blog Link-up! Each month my hubby, Nick, takes over my blog and shares a bit about himself. I really enjoy this post each month because I get to learn a bit about my hubby right along with you! It’s hosted by my friends Laura Jean of According to Laura Jean and Betsy of Heavens to Betsy. You can link up and/or find out what other peoples husbands said too here!
Here’s one of my favorite photos of Nick and I at a WWII Ball.
Q: What is your favorite family tradition?
Nick: Saturday means sleeping in late. It is the one day in the week where the wife and I just get to be lazy and I think we will appreciate it all we can because we probably won’t get it anymore once kids come. FYI, not pregnant… yet.
Steph: I LOVE this tradition as well!
Q:Who’s your male celebrity crush?
N: Chris Pratt. The guy has a great blend of humor and nerd cred while being a risk taker, I don’t think anyone expected some small group of non-primary heroes to blow up like they did in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Steph: Guardians of the Galaxy is just full of so much awesome! I love Chris Pratt too.
Q: What song best sums you up?
N: Savior by Rise Against. The song is about desiring to forgive and be forgiven which I have experienced much in this life. Forgiveness is never easy nor always asked for by the offending party but for your own sake must always be given, “while there is still something left to save.”
Steph: I love how Nick is always quick to forgive and to ask to be forgiven. He’s such an amazing spouse and friend because of it.
Q: What three things do you think of the most each day?
N: Wife, Work, Robots. My three primary obsessions and thankfully they can sometimes overlap, sometimes my wife gets to travel with me on work trips and sometimes work involves robots. My passion for a long time have been robots, it is what I went to school for and my first internship.
Steph: I love that I’m on this list along with something as important as robots. I think we need to have a wife-robot intersection soon. I used to build robots and compete in robotics competitions in high school.
Q: What is your most embarrassing memory?
N: Anything involving my mom cheering for me. You could hear her above anyone else easily and she made sure I knew she was there. Also was one of my favorite things about her.
Steph: My mother-in-law was one of those amazing people who doesn’t care a thing about what others think of her. (She passed away a few years ago and we miss her a lot.) I think this served her well in life, but it definitely made for some embarrassing moments around her. Within moments of meeting her for the first time, she had just come out of the shower. She dropped her towel the the floor to get dressed (in front of me), and asked me if I had seen her heart surgery scar yet. That was one heck of a way to break the ice with your soon to be daughter in law!
Meal Plan Monday 5/25-5/31:
Click Here for the (Now Mobile-Friendly) Weekly Shopping List Printable!
This meal plan is designed to feed approximately 4 adults at each meal or two adults with lunches left over. Feel free to double or add to it as needed. **You’ll need to open it with the free Adobe Reader App (Android or iOS) to be able to use the check boxes on mobile, so install that first if you don’t have it already.**
Monday: Cheesy Chicken with Spinach, Zucchini and Squash from Home and Plate (gluten-free if using gf panko) – this is quick and simple, but really delicious!
Tuesday: Six Layer Baked Taco Cups from Averie Cooks (gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan option) – Tacos are way more fun when they’re in a little tortilla cup!
Wednesday: Pomegranate, Pear, Pistachio Salad with Creamy Pomegranate Dressing from Carlsbad Cravings (gluten-free option, vegetarian, vegan option) – This salad screams summer!
Thursday: My Slow Cooker Tex-Mex Chicken Chili (gluten-free) – hubby’s request! Always a hit in our house.
Friday: Pizza Night! Pepperoni Pizza Braid from Girl Versus Dough (gluten-free if using gf dough, vegetarian if you swap different toppings) – I used my homemade dough and braided it like the recipe instructs.
Saturday: Date Night – Eat Out.
Sunday: Y.O.Y.O. (You’re on your own.)
Aww this is so fun! The guys behind the blog are usually our biggest supporters, so it’s fun to give our readers a chance to learn more about them. I need to remember to join this link up sometime!
I don’t usually do many non-food posts, but this one is so fun each month! You should totally join in! And you’re right- he’s definitely my biggest supporter.
Yay so glad you could join us! The clarification of pregnancy is great haha! Sleeping in on Saturdays is the best and I am sure does not happen as much with kids (although I wouldn’t know either). There is always “that mom” in the audience that cheers so loudly. They are my favorite and I am so glad Nick had that! Cute photo by the way 🙂
Haha. I love it too. I feel like as soon as you get married and have a womb you have to add that disclaimer every time you mention babies or say the word pregnancy! In our case we’ve been trying for a year and a half with no luck, so we didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. (My mom reads my blog after all.) I look forward to the day we get pregnant and I get to post about it here! And thanks! The photo was a casual shot taken by a friend as we goofed around on this sidecar at a hangar dance. Totally one of my favorites!
Awwww – this was great! Thanks for sharing your guy with us! 🙂
Totally not lying: I was thinking about how awesome Chris Pratt is on the way to work this morning. I always loved him on Parks & Rec and so I get so excited whenever I see him in anything! And I LOVED Guardians!
I never watched Parks and Rec, but I’m definitely a Chris Pratt fan after Guardians! We haven’t rushed out to buy a movie on release day in the whole time we’ve been married, but this one was on our must buy and watch again immediately list! In fact, I’m currently wearing my hubby’s Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt as I type this. Now, all I need now is a dancing baby Groot and I’m set!
This is fun! Not sure my hubby would be up for it.