1. If you could write a book, what topic would you write about and why?
The difficulties of approaching and understanding human emotion from a position of an engineer stuck in logic. I grew up in logic, centered my life around it, logic makes sense to me but not everything obeys logic. Human emotion seldom follows a path of logic and it has lead to the greatest difficulties for me. Only recently have I started to recognize the boundaries of logic and I still struggle trying to use logic for every problem. I think my experiences could help provide some insight for people living with other who are stuck in a very logic minded world and help grow healthy, understanding relationships.
Steph: He is definitely logical to a fault. I love that he’s typically very predictable and steady, but sometimes I feel bad about being an emotional female around him because I throw him for a loop so often!
2.What is one thing on your bucket list, or one thing that you’d like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?
See Nicola Tesla’s lab, Wardenclyffe Tower.
Looks like we’re planning a trip to NYC soon!
3. If you could look out your window and only see one view for the rest of your life, what would you want to see?
The Puget Sound or the San Juan Islands. I was born near the ocean, grew up on the ocean and miss the ocean daily. There are very few places that rival the beauty of the Pacific northwest for me.
I wouldn’t mind this either. Anywhere near the water makes my heart happy!
(He can cook too by the way. He’s the best sous-chef!)
4. Imagine you’re opening a shop. What are you selling?
Insight and simplification of ideas. One of the talents I have is the ability to break down complex ideas to easily understandable parts. I do this out of necessity for myself to problem solve faster and have found it very useful when presenting new concepts to people that haven’t had all the experience or training in engineering I have had. When more people understand clearly what is going on it is much faster to come to an understanding or solution, it is all about efficiency.
He’s really good at breaking down ideas and problem solving. Our friends sometimes joke that he’s Google. He and I together could probably explain anything to anyone, even if we didn’t know what we were explaining and had to make it up. 😉
5. If you could have 50lbs of anything other than money, what would it be?
No clue. I like sweets and sweet fruits so maybe pomegranates then I could have my sweets but I have to work for it.
His sweet tooth is huge! There was a time I bought a brand new 6lb bag of chocolate chips, and later went to pull them out to bake with only to discover that there were just 3 chips left! Any baking supplies I want to keep on had have to be hidden away or clearly marked “do not eat”. He’s always a willing and helpful taste tester for anything sweet I want to make. 🙂
6. Time to brag on your girl…tell us one thing that makes you proud of your girlfriend/fiance/wife!
Everything. Seriously though, she is caring without end, quick to lend a hand or offer assistance to those in need, embodies an understanding of logic and emotion even if she still lives by emotion, can teach any concept to anyone pretty much and she is patient with me when I struggle.
Her ability to see logic and understand emotion makes her the perfect partner to me.
Isn’t he so sweet? This answer totally made me tear up. God’s matches definitely seem to be the best. 🙂
You can find the other posts in the link-up here.
And now, an Instagram giveaway!
Thanks for checking out my interview! While we’re here, I wanted to let you know about a fun giveaway I’m hosting over on Instagram. I teamed up with some of my friends from The Peony Project to put together a number of beautiful handmade items from small business owners. (I wish I could win these myself!) Here’s a peek at what we’re giving away:
You can only enter on Instagram, and the contest will close on Wednesday (3/4/15) at 3pm ET, so hop over to my Instagram feed and look for this photo to enter before it’s too late!
We love you guys both so much. You are friends AND family to us <3<3 (and to my family…)
We love you all too!! I love how we’ve adopted your entire family at this point. We just need to become better friends with your parents and it will be an official adoption. Haha!
Awww! I love reading these. I really need to get Andrew to do it next time around.
I don’t usually go for non-food or blogging tech posts, but this link up just seemed so fun! I really enjoyed hearing his answers and almost all of them were unexpected. His last answer especially was really touching.
This was so lovely to read! Seriously had me smiling throughout 🙂
He made me smile too! I had no idea he was going to be that sweet. I found a keeper for sure!
I loved this link up. It was so fun. I love that he is willing to work for his sweets….not me!! Haha. I also love how much he loves you. Way too sweet. 🙂
I loved this link up too! Nick was hesitant to do it, but I’m glad I talked him into it. He’s such a great husband to me!