So today my extrinsic little heart is very happy because I’ve been nominated for the Liebster award!
- Nominate 5 other bloggers who have fewer than 1,000 followers and let them know they’ve been nominated
- Answer the questions given to you by the person who nominated you
I was nominated by Natalie over at A Tiny Traveler. (Okay, to be technical, Natalie nominated “anyone who has never been nominated before” and I volunteered. But she then said it counted and nominated me specifically.) Natalie blogs about her travels and adventures along with some DIY and recipes too, so you should go check her out.
The last town we lived in had swing dancing every week for a $5 entry. I loved going! Dancing is so fun for me, but I wish I had lessons so I could get better at it! And I think the name you ended up with for your blog is pretty much perfect.
There was a time when I went out dancing every night of the week, ran one of the weekly dances, and Dj’d and taught lessons at another. It is so, so fun and worth taking lessons if you can find them. If you’re ever near Denver, I’d be happy to give you some lessons! There’s also a huge and awesome swing dance scene in Beijing and a smaller one in Shanghai if that’s anywhere near you. (I know China is huge, but just in case.) I know dancers in each of those scenes, and they’d be great at teaching lessons.